Twitch Branded Content Policy
Twitch in recent days has a brought a new policy that governs the use of branded content on its platform. Branded content is any content that is produced by a streamer and features products or services from a third party. This can include things like product placements, endorsements, and sponsored gameplay.
The Twitch branded content policy has a number of rules that streamers must follow. Acoording to Twitch, these rules are designed to protect the user experience and prevent streams from becoming too cluttered with advertising. (But let's not mention how annoying their banner ads and disruptive full screen ads can get *eye roll*)
Some of the key rules of the Twitch branded content policy include:
- Branded content must not take up more than 3% of the total screen area. Among some other oddly specific rulesets (Because we all want to take rulers to our screen and do the math of logo to screen ratio).
- Branded content must not be disruptive to the stream. (oh so very annoying, logos sitting menacingly off center of the screen)
- Branded content must be clearly labeled as such. (Because apparently no one can tell it's branded content *shrugs*)
Streamers who violate the Twitch branded content policy may be subject to a number of penalties, including warnings, suspensions, and even bans.
Negative Effects on the Community
The Twitch branded content policy has a number of negative effects on the community. These effects include:
- Reduced revenue for streamers. (Huge L)
- Less creative content due to lack of brand opportunity tie ins, etc.
- Sadness due to lack of controlling what is on our own streams :'(
Reduced Revenue for Streamers
The Twitch branded content policy limits the amount of money that streamers can make from branded content. This is because the policy restricts the amount of branded content that can be displayed on a stream.
As a result, streamers are less likely to be able to attract sponsors. This can lead to a decrease in their revenue.
Also consider less sponsors means less commission sales and incentives from such brands. If you don't have any deals you're able to promote you can't push products/services as easily, or at all.
Less Creative Content
The Twitch branded content policy can also lead to less creative content. This is because the policy restricts the way that streamers can use branded content.
For example, the policy prohibits streamers from using branded content in their overlays. This can make it more difficult for streamers to create engaging and visually appealing content.
Although this is minor, now it feels as if a content creator needs to walk on eggshells over the do's and don'ts of branded content. As a designer myself this doesn't pose to be a deal-breaker but it definitely is an inconvenience. The general creator wants to drag and drop a logo onto their stream, not follow pixel guidelines that weren't even correct when supplied by Twitch.
With this new rule in play, we're just sad. Sad to see yet another horrible change come to Twitch. Let creators create, not feel like we're held hostage to every rule and regulation. This is a place to have fun, create opportunity and win in an ever-growing industry.
Let it continue being fun, not what feels like a 9 to 5 job. It's moving away from everything it once was. Maybe focus on ways to help creators gain exposure rather than diminsh it.
The Twitch branded content policy has a number of negative effects on the community. These effects include reduced revenue for streamers, less creative content, and a deep deep inner sadgeness.
The irony is their take-back. They decided based on the outrage that MAYBEEEE this wasn't such a great idea, and have since revoked they policy in some shape or form.
All in all, it looks like Twitch has one thing on it's mind and it isn't helping you or me or anyone in this space. Their main focus right now appears to be money to line their own pockets. It's a tricky spot to be in considering the uprise of YouTube and Kick being in the race as the best live streaming platform.
What are your thoughts on all of this? I think it's clear how I feel. Comment below, I'd love to hear what's on your mind! For the full policy click here
Every change I can think of that they’ve made in the past year has had a net negative. It’s unbelievable. They’re killing their platform. It sucks even more because any other competition platform wise still pales in comparison. UGH.