If you haven’t already read Part 1 of the Apex Legends: Offensive Legend Ratings, go do so now here!
In the long awaited sixth place, we have…

- Bangalore: An overall classic character. Good for beginners. Her smoke abilities are actually super helpful in a lot of situations. I’m rating her at 6th because as mean as it seems to say, she’s nothing special. She’s an easy character who I could do with or without. I don’t think I’ve ever thought, “yay! Someone on the team chose Bangalore!” However, I have thought, “wow, that smoke is helpful when used correctly.”
Hotness: 6/10 (She's a badass, just not really my type. She looks a little scary and I am easily intimidated, so.)
- Double Time (Passive): move faster when taking damage.
- Smoke Launcher (Tactical): smoke wall. One of the more helpful tactical abilities, in my opinion.
- Rolling Thunder (Ult.): artillery strike (it’s giving Valkyrie’s tactical ability on a larger scale)
Next up, starting out our top 5…

- Horizon: She has the best accent in the game (next to Watson, of course). This is mainly why I’m ranking her this high, because otherwise, I only find her Ultimate ability to be of use. I have been a victim to the black hole a couple of times, but you’ve really got to know how to play Horizon for it to be beneficial.
Hotness: 6/10 (she gives off sweet old granny vibes. Maybe it’s just the accent, and the fact that she says “dear” and “dearies” a lot.)
- Spacewalk (Passive): reduce fall impacts. In a game with no fall damage? I’ve never even noticed fall impacts being an issue.
- Gravity Lift (Tactical): Boost up and out - probably the worst mobility ability in the game in my opinion. It lifts you up, that’s it.
- Black Hole (Ult.): Deploy a micro black hole that pulls players inwards, trapping them for a time.
For the final in this post, we have fourth place, which is…

- Mirage: He definitely gives off golden retriever energy. I have been victim to his bamboozling plenty of times (embarrassed to admit, but alas, it’s true), which proves (to me anyways) that his abilities are definitely useful. He works to confuse opponents, and his passive ability might be one of the best in the game - it’s a small thing, but when reviving in highly populated areas, it can help you get the win. I also just think he’d be a really good boyfriend, honestly. He just seems sweet.
Hotness: 8/10 (+2 if he wasn’t the SLIGHTEST bit annoying sometimes.)
- Now You See Me (Passive): invisible when reviving and using respawn beacons.
- Psyche Out (Tactical): send out 1 decoy to bamboozle opponents.
- Life of the Party (Ult.): send out many decoys to bamboozle opponents.
Cons: as stated above, he might be slightly annoying to some. I could see that. I kind of like it, though. He probably makes tons of cheesy/dad jokes, and I dig that.
This concludes rankings 6 through 4 of the Apex Legends Offensive Legend Rankings - stay tuned to see where the other offensive characters place in the rankings! Leave a comment below to let us know if you agree with the ratings, want to argue them, or if you’d like to see more Apex Legends content like this! The final part, which will include the TOP 3 offensive legends, is coming soon!
Postscript: All of the opinions written above are simply the opinions of myself, WormsEverywhere, and are in no way fact. Take them with a grain of salt, and argue with them if you dare!