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12:36 Tuesday.01 February 2022

It was a good read, you know I am curious how the hell this game came and went so quick. I feel it’s hype was there for like a week tops and now it’s fizzled. Anyone else have thoughts on this? Maybe its more a game for the completionist that strays my interest compared to the multiplayer title in Siege, where I can just brainlessly play or run it ranked.

12:36 Tuesday.01 February 2022

To Eric, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Honestly, overall Extraction is not a bad game by any means! Just personally, it wasn’t for me and there was much left to be desired on my end.

12:28 Tuesday.01 February 2022

Gonna have to check this one out 🤔

Eric Gagliardi
12:26 Tuesday.01 February 2022

I spent the $40 myself, and I’m not regretting my decision to do so at all. For me, Extraction is exactly what I wanted out of Rainbow Six. Tons of progression in multiple forms, tactical gameplay with friends, and still being cheaper than any other game that would have this much content, if not less, I couldn’t have asked for anything better personally.

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