"A Ruster's Time to Flex a Fit or a Profit-Driven Pitfall? A Review of the Rust X Wellipets Frog Boot Collab"
- Aug 26, 2024
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So, you may have heard the hype about the IRL Frog Boots, the infamous Rust cosmetic known only to the OG’s of Rust. a cheap to craft, goofy, yet OP item for those who challenge the rads. Let's dive in and see if it's truly a Ruster’s time to flex or just another profit-driven pitfall.
Rust has decided to run a collaboration with Wellipets, a boot manufacturer out of Italy. They are producing the Frog Boots cosmetic for us lovers of Rust to wear IRL, in the safety of our base, our home, most likely…. our basements.
The in-game Frog Boots cosmetic was given to those who purchased Rust in early access, which was from December 2013 to February 2018. I personally was blessed with the holy Frog Boots during this time.
Now that we know the history of the boot, let’s get to the good, bad, and UGLY.

The Good
The Appeal: NO BRAINER HERE, this is just FLAT OUT a solid concept. Bringing a well known item from in game to the real world for gamer’s to enjoy, wear out, flex or cosplay is just dope to me. It’s also a unique way to produce merch for your game without it being a cheap hoodie we later lose when we’re out raiding the town with the boys (this is a joke, pleaseeeee don’t actually raid your town).
The Cosmetic Bonus: On top of buying these glamorous boot, you will get a digital code upon delivery of your boots that gives you a brand new cosmetic THE FROG BOOT HELMET. LOOK AT IT, IT’S SO FUCKING STUPID LOOKING. This says it all. It’s again goofy,
but I’m hoping it costs one tarp and has rad benefits like its counterpart the Frog Boots.
The Impact: Wellipets were the first creators of the frog boots back in 1983 and are still rockin those ribbit walkers to this day in a variety of ways. Not only that, they have a mission in mind to help the environment by being as mindful as they can with their craftsmanship of their product, leaving behind as minimal of a footprint as possible.
The Bad
The Wait Time: Pre-Orders are up now Here’s The Link. But it seems they wont be shipped out until after Christmas of this year (2024) so you won’t be jumping into any puddles with these fuckers until Spring sadly.
To Wear or to Display: For me, a big collector of anime figures, manga books, as well as gaming based items, this is a tough one. I always love adding more to my collection. But when it’s WEARABLE? It’s a hard choice. If you can’t relate, consider if you got a shirt signed by your fav celebrity or athlete. You’d want to frame that shit right? It’s a REAL LIFE PREDICAMENT. So there’s a battle, at least in myself on what exactly my plans for these are.
The Ugly
The Cost: There’s a price to pay to look this good in the real world. That price is a bit up there. Sitting at a whopping $220 USD. For most gamers this is a no go, and I can completely understand why. This has to be the potential pitfall of this item, and a massive barrier to also get the in game helmet. This may hurt the invested time Rust and Wellipets put into these hopping rubbers (LUL)
The Community: WHOA WHOA WHOA NOW, This isn’t an attack on Rust community but it is an attack on their response to this release, its cost and its paywall to get an in-game cosmetic. But did you all really expect them to hook up the frog boot helmet as a cheap item? I mean it’s connected to the legendary Frog Boots, an early access item, and if they planned a follow up cosmetic, it was going to come with some level of pain, that pain being from your wallet. I just saw an extreme negative response to the item on the thread and I thought it was uncalled for. If you’re broke you’re broke and this is a luxury item, we all started off as Nakeds once, I know your pain, but complaining doesn’t earn you the AKs! As gamers we accept what’s there and buy what we can, and if not, we move on. I just thought this was a cool collab and the complaints really diminish the hard work Rust has put in over the years to charge a price such as this on an item. Let them, residuals will go to the team + environment (Read Wellipets Mission) and you get some snazzy boots and a goofy in-game helmet out of it.
I just consider what people pay for a pair of Doc Martens or top of the line Nike shoes, then I think of the boots, both wearable and displayable and dedicated to a fun game that’s created a lot of memories. As the owner of a gaming streetwear brand I GET IT. The price when I look at it like that, isn’t all that bad, and you get an item in game to flex, similar to all those with the Big Grin (although that skin is hella pricey). This item to me is more collectible and a flex, than a wear out and about type item. The only thing I will be wearing is the Frog Boot Helmet when I redeem it in-game. And yes it will be just the helmet, and my dick swingin in the wind.
What are your thoughts on the boots? I’d love to hear your end of things, all opinions above are my own and I’m sure I offended the broke bois that don't have enough boom for this purchase, so let me know how you feel!
I will likely do a review on these boots when they arrive over on my YouTube, so subscribe there if you want, I also have Rust content upcoming on the channel, so stay tuned!
For those who want to party, Vyrus will be hosting it's own RUST SERVER very soon. Click Here <--- to be directed to our Discord for when that all comes together.
That's all I got. Peace out nerds